Masters & Mentors

Training Seminar

Navigating uncertainty for better results

24 Aug 2022 15:00 - 7 Sep 2022 18:00
  • Member Price: RMB 5,500
  • Standard Price: RMB 6,500
  • Online webcast

A highly interactive online programme – Leadership Master Class for Senior Leaders

Event details

  • Three 3-hour workshops spread over three weeks with supported application – 24 Aug, 31 Aug, 7 Sep.
  • 93% of international senior executive alumni attested CALAgility System helped deal with COVID uncertainties.
  • A new and international award-winning system to organisational leadership that has demonstrably helped leaders around the world and in China to deal with current uncertainties.


Testimonies include:

“CAL practices used daily make it irrelevant if there is lockdown or not.”

– Lukasz Walach, Product Leader, Nokia

“This intensive one day really helps me navigate uncertainty with less stress, and helped our managers deal with lockdown uncertainties.”  

– Ian Anderson, MD Synthoma China

“I would highly recommend this for senior managers. It gives genuinely new and very useful ideas for dealing with a VUCA context. During the lockdown we increased our revenue by 30% and took market share from less agile competitors in the chemical logistics market.

– Karl Hudson, Regional Director North Asia, Suttons International

Survey of several hundred senior managers around the world and in China who have applied the approach during lockdowns showed benefits:

Completed in advance:

  • Self-assessment for teams/organisation being led, looking at the principles needed for dynamic and agile self-organisation. Participants will compare their own confidential scores with cohort peers as well as a global database.
  • Individual self-assessment that shows how agile/adaptive, responsive, effective, balanced and overall enabling the choices of leadership strategy are (available in Chinese and English). Highly customised report will give specific suggestions for further exploration.

Master Class Timings: Each workshop is 1500-1800hrs

Workshop 1: Wednesday, 24 August

  • Extending leadership paradigms
  • Setting up inter-session application

Workshop 2: Wednesday, 31 August

  • Understanding complexity
  • Principles for team agility

Workshop 3: Wednesday, 7 September

  • Leadership strategies
  • Enabling follower self-organisation

Inter-workshop application:

  • Cohort split into Action Learning Groups of 4 – 6, and use of online support and 5 minutes a day mindful reflective practice
  • Use of CAL’s Impact and Peer Accountability System (IPAS) to support Action Learning Group sharing their experience

Participants will receive:

  • High impact, very interactive online workshops using zoom that will introduce a genuinely new approach (NOT “old wine, new bottle”!). This will cover:
    • WHY leadership paradigm needs to change based on modern western complexity science – how to lead upwards and sideways not just down in VUCA times with high uncertainty and tendency to micro-manage.
    • WHAT principles need to be in place, so as to leverage hidden potential that commonly exists in teams and organisations
    • HOW to get faster and better results in uncertain times for less stress
  • Materials include:
    • Signed copy of “Future Leadership” (China only)
    • Customised and confidential individual report on leadership capability
    • Customised and confidential report on team/organisation being led
    • Learning log to capture key action points to take away and try out
    • Aide memoire of key points
    • International CPD certificate if needed
    • Use of online IPAS system to share learning in small groups

After Master Class:

  • Joining alumni group of senior executives
  • One-on-one coaching session if needed
  • Access to articles and further reading
  • Discount for further CAL workshops


In case of cancellation, please kindly note you must email before 6 pm, 22 August 2022. It is non-refundable for cancellation request made beyond the above mentioned timeframe.

The speaker

Nick Obolensky
Founder, Complex Adaptive Leadership Ltd; MD, Agile Plus Leadership Consultants


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