Jobs Market

BritCham Shanghai is partnering with SmartShanghai to manage our job site. Business members* are entitled to ONE free posting per month on both BritCham Shanghai Jobs Market as well as SmartShanghai’s Job Board. This partnership aims to support members’ recruitment needs and get more exposure for members’ job postings.


*Business Member Categories: Platinum, Company, Small Enterprise, Start-up, e-Member.


Standard Offer

Unlimited job postings on BritCham Shanghai Jobs Market

ONE free posting per month on both BritCham Shanghai and SmartShanghai platforms

The extra job posting on both platforms can be purchased at a discounted price of RMB 190 per job (the standard price is RMB 380 per job)


How to Post My Job

Click the button below to connect with our staff to receive a dedicated link for your company to manage your job postings (indicate your company name and the email address you would like to receive the CVs).

Recent Job Listings

Platinum & Associate Platinum Members

Join us

BritCham Shanghai is an organisation proudly run by its members — for its members. Whether your business is based in China or overseas, we welcome you to be part of our community. Let's connect, and become a member today.