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News Article

BritCham SH hosts the second outreach roundtable in Hangzhou

23 Aug 2023

On the afternoon of 18 August 2023, BritCham Shanghai hosted the 2nd roundtable meeting which brought together cross-industry BritCham members and government representatives in Hangzhou.

This is the follow-up session targeting Hangzhou-based members and companies with aspirations to expand business in this region. The purpose of the meeting is to cultivate meaningful connections and discussions while providing a comprehensive overview of the Chamber’s strategic roadmap for Hangzhou in the upcoming months.

At the roundtable, Stuart Dunn, Executive Director of BritCham Shanghai shared the Chamber’s recent outreach activities with businesses and communities in Hangzhou.

Attendees engaged in an in-depth conversation on the business growth and market opportunity in the next few years across multiple sectors ranging from investment, professional services, e-commerce, education, and real estate. The meeting also explored the potential areas that the Chambers and government representatives can offer support for businesses and communities in Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province.

It was a prime occasion for BritCham Shanghai members to explore business opportunities and forge collaborations in Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province. BritCham Shanghai members who attended the roundtable were: Vita Student, Redfern, Berkeley Group, Wellington College Hangzhou, 8 Hours Ahead, Deloitte, Dentons, eCargo, BE Education as well as UK government outreach representatives from the British Consulate General Shanghai, and UNNC alumni representative.

After the roundtable, the momentum carried forward as company representatives and community friends joined the Hangzhou Summer Joint Mixer led by AustCham Shanghai and BritCham Shanghai, in partnership with CanCham, the Benelux Chamber, Colombia-China Chamber, German Chamber, the Irish Chamber, MayCham China and SingCham Shanghai. The mixer created a perfect platform to foster broader networking and collaboration.


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