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News Article

BritCham Shanghai attended The 2023 CIIE Shanghai Investment Promotion Conference

23 Oct 2023

On 18 October, BritCham Shanghai had the privilege to attend The 2023 CIIE Shanghai Investment Promotion Conference in Support of the 6th China International Import EXPO, held in Shibei Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Jing’an.

More than 200 guests gathered at the event, which was attended and addressed by Zhu Yi, Deputy Director of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Zhang Hui, Deputy District Mayor of Jing’an District.

Zhu Yi pointed out that Shanghai, as the host city of CIIE, is dedicated to providing comprehensive and meticulous city services. The City has organised over 200 foreign affairs liaison officers, optimised processes, improved the foreign-related business environment, and strived to provide high-quality city services. In addition, Shanghai will continue to optimise the foreign business environment, and actively problems related to talent acquisition, intellectual property, and financing of small and medium-sized enterprises through government-enterprise roundtables, helping foreign businesses thrive and the expatriate community enjoy better local life.

Zhang Hui highlighted that the CIIE serves as a pivotal platform for advancing Jing’an’s internationalization and open economy. Jing’an is committed to enhancing the benefits for participating enterprises, including booth arrangement and product promotion strategies.

Topics such as government, foreign-invested enterprises, CIIE exhibitors, and professional parks were also discussed during the meeting, followed by a guided tour of the Jing’an International Innovation Community hosted among participants.

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