News Article

News Article

BritCham Shanghai Charity Support Programme 2021 – Guidelines for Potential Partners

30 Aug 2021

For 2021, the chamber will be supporting charities working within areas that fall within the UN Sustainable Development Goals 8, 13 and 17.

The following should be read in conjunction with the Application Form for the 2021 Britcham Shanghai Charity Support Programme form.

Aims of the Support Programme

A key element of the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai Charity Support activity is to develop, on behalf of members, a programme of effective giving to benefit charitable work in East China. For 2021, the chamber will be supporting charities working within areas that fall within the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth – creating sustainable economic growth and quality jobs
  • 13: Climate Action – reducing net emissions through creative solutions
  • 17: Partnerships – building collaboration to increase and optimise sustainable development

Applications must be submitted using the electronic application form which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. The completed form must be sent to by 17 October 2021. Following an application, you may be asked to provide further information. The results will be announced in mid-November.

How Donation Requests will be Assessed

  • Evidence of sound organisational structure and accountability is vital. Funds will not be granted to individuals.
  • Support will be made to specific discrete projects which are time bounded ideally within the next 12 months in terms of project execution, have a financially finite commitment and whose scope of activity and beneficiaries is clearly identified.
  • Projects must demonstrate clear connection to one of the aforementioned UN Sustainability Goals and
  • Projects where the amount supported by the British Chamber Shanghai represents the majority of the funding requirement will be favoured.
  • Projects that offer the opportunity for active engagement and participation by the British Chamber and its members will be viewed favourably.

What Happens When A Request for Donation is Successful

  • A representative committee will advise you of the successful outcome and to discuss payment arrangements.
  • Donations will be made through fundraising activities held at British Chamber events, including the St. Andrew’s Ball in November 2021
  • Funds will be paid direct to the charity from attendees at the Chamber’s events
  • You will also be expected to sign a scope of works document stipulating what the funds must be spent on and details of progress reports that we require.

Notes on Completion of the Form

  • The form may be completed in English or in Chinese.
  • Please ensure you are specific both on your organisation and on the project that you are asking for a donation and provide all the relevant information in the format requested. This allows us to evaluate and compare each request.

Throughout the year we will maintain regular contact with you to see if you need any help to complete the project and review progress on how the project is being implemented in order that we can brief our members.

If you have any questions regarding the completion of the Application Form please email and we will get in touch to help you.

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