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ESG China Awards 2022 Finalists Announced

26 Aug 2022

Finalists of the ESG China Awards 2022 were announced recently. The first-year award programme has received a total of 115 qualified submissions. After a rigorous vetting process, 50 exemplary businesses and individuals were shortlisted in 12 categories and applauded for their outstanding ESG performance in China and beyond.

近日,ESG China Awards 公布2022年度入围名单。首届大奖收到115份合格申请,经过严格的审核,共有50家企业和个人入围大奖12个奖项。


ESG China Awards 2022 Finalists


(company name / last name by alphabetical order | 公司名称/姓氏按英文字母顺序排列)


Employee Engagement ESG Campaign of the Year


(Sponsor: The University of Manchester China Centre 曼彻斯特大学中国中心)

Education in Motion (EiM) | 屹珈(EiM)国际教育集团

Reckitt China | 利洁时中国

Smiths Group | 史密斯集团

Spirax Sarco | 斯派莎克

TMF Group


Consumer Engagement ESG Campaign of the Year 


Aptar | 阿普塔

Budweiser | 百威

Chongbang Group | 崇邦集团

Unilever China | 联合利华中国

WeWork China


ESG Value Chain of the Year


(Sponsor: PwC 普华永道)

AstraZeneca China | 阿斯利康中国

ATRenew Inc. | 万物新生集团

InResST 浙江英瑞特再生材料

Reckitt China | 利洁时中国

wittig ELECTRONIC Shanghai Ltd. | 魏蒂希电子(上海)有限公司


Investor Relations ESG Engagement and Communication of the Year


(Sponsor: MioTech 妙盈科技)

ATRenew Inc. | 万物新生集团

GCL Technology | 协鑫科技

Towngas Smart Energy | 港华智慧能源

White Peak | 中瑞鼎峰


ESG Report of the Year


(Sponsor: University of Nottingham Ningbo China 宁波诺丁汉大学)

Colliers | 高力国际

Kerry Properties | 嘉里建设

Reckitt China | 利洁时中国

White Peak | 中瑞鼎峰

Yum China | 百胜中国


ESG Leader of the Year


(Sponsor: Spirax Sarco 斯派莎克)


Binbin JU, CSR, ESG Director

Tianfeng Securities 天风证券


Stuart Mercier, Managing Partner & Country Head

Brookfield 博枫


Jesper Jos Olsson, Group CEO, Founding Partner

White Peak 中瑞鼎峰



Linian LI, Country Manager

Modern Water 现代水务


Aron QU, Co-founder, CEO

Leverage 莱巍爵


ESG Environmental Product of the Year


(Sponsor: Smiths Group 史密斯集团)

Loop Swim

Modern Water | 现代水务

Nokia Shanghai Bell | 诺基亚贝尔

Spirax Sarco | 斯派莎克



ESG Research & Ratings Provider of the Year


MioTech | 妙盈科技

Qingyue | 青悦数据

S&P Global Ratings | 标普全球评级

SusallWave | 

Zhongcai Green Index | 中财绿指


ESG Consultancy of the Year


(Sponsor: Brookfield 博枫)

Apex Group

Cundall | 宽德

Deloitte | 德勤

PwC | 普华永道

SynTao | 商道咨询


ESG Legal Service Provider of the Year


Dentons | 大成

Jin Mao Law Firm | 金茂律师事务所

JT&N | 金诚同达

JunHe LLP | 君合

Linklaters LLP | 年利达


ESG Investment Initiative of the Year


Brookfield | 博枫

Ping An Asset Management Company | 平安资产管理公司


ESG Innovative Product/Service of the Year


(Sponsor: International Business School Suzhou at XJTLU 西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院(IBSS))

Alibaba Cloud | 阿里云

FMC | 富美实

Johnson Matthey | 庄信万丰

Nokia Shanghai Bell | 诺基亚贝尔

RESET Carbon


Winners of this year will be announced at a Gala Dinner on 27 October in Shanghai. Please save the date and more details will be released soon.


In order to identify and promote companies, organisations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions and positive impacts in the ESG sector, the BritCham Shanghai launched the first ESG China Awards, open to both local Chinese companies and multinational companies operating in China. The 2022 Awards are supported by the Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange, AustCham Shanghai, CanCham Shanghai and Impact Hub Shanghai.

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