Survey Report

BritCham Shanghai & PwC ESG: a Global Trend with a Long Journey

14 Jul 2022

BritCham Shanghai ESG Survey 2022


To better understand how businesses are navigating ESG issues, the trends and related challenges identified by British companies in the China market, the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (BritCham Shanghai), in partnership with PwC, invited Chamber members to participate in a survey (93 respondents) in H1 2022. This report is the result of the survey launched for the first time to study firms’ engagement and initiatives on their ESG journey.

The voices are collected systematically from various dimensions such as corporate strategy & target setting, organisation and ESG capability, key drivers and obstacles and investment plans, and how they interacted with their business in China.

The findings are not meant to represent the whole of British business in China but offer a sample of what industries have achieved so far.

We thank BritCham Shanghai members that have completed the survey. Furthermore, for completing the research and writing of the report, we thank the PwC China ESG team: Amy Cai, Managing Partner; Steven Zhong, Lead Partner of Sustainable Value Chain; Ken Luo, Senior Director of Sustainable Value Chain; Yanjun Wang, Senior Manager of Sustainable Value Chain; Ivy Liu and Rose Wu, Managers of Sustainable Value Chain.

— James Dunn, Executive Director,

The British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai


The survey was conducted and distributed to members across industries, from financial services to industrial manufacturing. Ninety-three company representatives responded to the survey; 73% of them are at director level or above.

20% of these organisations were graded by the leading ESG rating agency MSCI, and the leading firms are primarily from the retail & consumer, finance and consultancy sectors.

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