


2022年09月20日 - 2022年09月24日
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金秋九月,秋招在即。上海英国商会将于今年9月至11月举办2022年大学生促进就业周(Employability Week),其中包括四场线上讲座与一场线下Talent Bootcamp毕业生职业训练营。就业周系列活动旨在为英国大学毕业生提供全面深入的演讲和指导,提升综合求职和就业能力,同时也为企业与学生之间搭建起沟通的桥梁,助推其校招和专项人才的引进工作。


11月举行的Talent Bootcamp毕业生职业训练营,是一场职场新人与资深前辈的赋能交流。活动现场将集合英国各个大学的优秀毕业生及青年校友人才,与在沪顶尖企业领袖们进行面对面的交流、展示、咨询和求职演练活动。到场的企业评委们来自上海英国商会的会员公司(点此查看会员名录)及合作组织机构。



  • 9月20日(星期二),12:00 – 13:30 [线上英文] “如何成功地迈出你在职业道路上的第一步?”
  • 9月21日(星期三),16:00 – 17:30  [线上中文] “职业生涯规划 – 如何在所有面试者中脱颖而出”
  • 10月21日(星期五),16:00 – 17:30  [线上英文] “做自己的职业规划师 – 初入职场的你,别忽略了专业领域技能培训。”
  • [线上英文] 主题即将揭晓
  • 11月(日期待定)Talent Bootcamp毕业生职业训练营 (线下活动地址:上海静安)
    • 13:00 – 15:00 Talent Bootcamp毕业生职业训练营
    • 15:00 – 16:00 结营总结、集体照、午茶交流

*BritCham Shanghai reserves the right to alter the above schedule at any time.


[Webinar] How to Launch and Navigate A Successful Career?


12:00 – 13:30, Tue 20 Sep | By XJTLU – IBSS


Most people think of “employability” as a specific combination of certain knowledge, skills and experience required by those employers in the market, or even simplify it to “employ-ability”. Industries change quickly nowadays, therefore, job seekers need to adapt to the dynamic demands of future employers. Actually “employability” is only a by-product of individual learning and self-iteration and contributed to the learning and self-iterative process of literacy is for job seekers in the forefront, constantly essential for career success.

This webinar will provide students and young professionals with the core concept of employability with practical tools and tips. Also, it will guide the participants to prepare themselves for a pitch to future employers, successfully navigate the recruitment process, and access a level playing field to get the careers they deserve.

[中文线上讲座] 职业生涯规划 – 如何在所有面试者中脱颖而出


16:00 – 17:30, 9月21日(星期三) | By VITA STUDENT



本次中文线上活动中,上海英国商会邀请VITA STUDENT及其校友会合作方米高蒲志(Michael Page)来分享这一主题。四十多年来,米高蒲志在全球平台上发展了区域性的专业知识,为不同的企业提供最佳的招聘解决方案。从猎头公司的角度,我们将围绕“如何匹配雇主需求,从而在候选人中脱颖而出”分享经验技巧和个性化建议。

[Webinar] Be a Career Planner for Yourself


16:00 – 17:00, Fri 21 Oct | By City & Guilds


Most people think of “employability” as a specific combination of certain knowledge, skills and experience required by those employers in the market, or even simplify it to “employ-ability”. Industries change quickly nowadays, therefore, job seekers need to adapt to the dynamic demands of future employers. Actually “employability” is only a by-product of individual learning and self-iteration and contributed to the learning and self-iterative process of literacy is for job seekers in the forefront, constantly essential for career success.

This webinar will provide students and young professionals with the core concept of employability through practical tools and tips. Also, it will guide the participants to prepare themselves for a pitch to future employers, successfully navigate the recruitment process, and access a level playing field to get the careers they deserve.

[英文线下活动] Talent Bootcamp毕业生职业训练营


13:00 – 16:00, 11月(日期待定) | 地址:上海静安


Talent Bootcamp毕业生职业训练营是一场职场新人与资深前辈的赋能交流。活动现场将集合英国各个大学的优秀毕业生及青年校友人才,与在沪顶尖企业领袖们进行面对面的交流、展示、咨询和求职演练活动。到场的企业评委们来自上海英国商会的会员公司及合作组织机构。


* 本场训练营仅限15席,请意向学员提前递交申请。






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